德国不来梅国立交响乐团2015新年音乐会 [售票中]
时间:2015.01.01 2015.01.02
场馆:北京保利剧院 [场馆地图]
价格:¥ 180 起 [查看座位图]
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Landes Jugend Orchester Bremen

2015 新年音乐会
2015 New Year Concert 



■  乐团亮点     ┃     HIGHLIGHTS 
■  乐团简介     ┃     INTRODUCTION
■  乐团指挥     ┃     CONDUCTOR 
■  媒体评论     ┃     MEDIA REVIEW
■  中国巡演     ┃     CHINA TOUR


        亨利 · 科斯特 Henry Koster 

        代表作《主教之妻 / The Bishop's Wife》 (1947) 

        他曾在好莱坞拍摄过45部各种风格的电影,与包括马龙 · 白兰度、查理 · 卓别林等合作电影。他的作品以富有人情味,轻松幽默取胜。曾被选为1947至1948年的十大导演之一。


        The Founder of the Orchester:
        Henry Koster

        The most famous Germany Director of 20th Century's
        Globle Award for the Best Film (Drama)
        Awarded by Oscar for Best Director and nominated by the Golden Bear award with his representative work “The Bishop’s Wife” (1947)
        He has been filmed 45 various styles of movies in Hollywood, cooperating with Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin in films. His work became successful for the human kindness and full of gentle humour, and he has been selected as one of the ten directors from 1947 to 1948. 
        Originated Landes Jugend Orchester Bremen in 1971, committs to find a way that belongs to classical music in the new century.


        2012年创作和录制“愤怒的小鸟”游戏音乐,获得了德国游戏音乐大奖(GERMAN GAMEMUSIC AWARD),并迅速风靡全球。

        Landes Jugend Orchester Bremen
        Writing and recording “Angry Bird”Game Music

        In 2012, awarded as GERMAN GAMEMUSIC AWARD, and quickly becomes popular around the world for writing and recording game music of "Angry Birds",



        在著名的音乐网上(ARTE LIVE WEB)传播,

        Set a record of ranking first three for clicking in Webcast Concert for two consecutive years

        2012 and 2013 Webcast Concert
        Broadcasting and spreading in the famous music online (ARTE LIVE WEB) 
        Becoming and ranking the Top three videos with the most hits ever.



        不来梅国立交响乐团于1971年由金球奖的最佳电影奖(戏剧)获得者Henry Koster 创立,40多年来长期致力于寻找一条属于新世纪的古典音乐之路。尤为人津津乐道的是,该团为现代电影配乐做出了杰出贡献。其成功的为《大都会》、《淘金梦》及查理 · 卓别林,巴斯顿 · 基顿,希区柯克的电影配乐。1996年,乐团由新一任的艺术总监Stefan Geiger执棒,这18年来,他为乐团带来了无限生机,也培养了一批出类拔萃的年轻艺术家。现如今,乐团已经成为全德最具代表性的"新生"乐团。         在Stefan Geiger 的带领下,乐团不仅每年活跃于世界上各个重要的艺术节,而且在非古典领域也收获了惊人的成绩。2012年,由于创作和录制“愤怒的小鸟”游戏音乐获得了德国游戏音乐大奖,并风靡全球。该乐团也展开了不同形式的演出安排,从交响乐到现代电影音乐到游戏音乐。在古典领域,近年来,乐团与各大交响乐团如北德广播交响乐团(汉堡、汉诺威)、不来梅爱乐乐团等共同合作演绎了马勒第一交响曲,由马泽尔改编的瓦格纳歌剧“无词指环”,及斯特拉文斯基的“春之祭”等等 。         乐团每一年的世界巡演,为各地的观众带来欢乐与感动。乐团的足迹遍布美国、英国、意大利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、葡萄牙,南非、巴西、以及波黑等。乐团还时常作为文化大使和传播者代表德国访问演出。2014年夏天,乐团将代表德国出访保加利亚。         2014-2015的跨年之际,乐团受到中国主办方的邀请,将首次来中国巡演。


        Landes Jugend Orchester Bremen

        The Landesjugendorchester Bremen (LJO Bremen) was found in 1971 by Henry Koster, who was the prize-winner for the Best Film (Drama) in Global World Award. For more than 40 years, LJO Bremen delicate to find a way that belong to the classical music in the new century over a long period of time. What people take delight in, especially, is that LJO Bremen has made outstanding contributions to modern film composer, like“Metropolis”, “Goldrush” and film composer of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Hitchcock. In 1996, the Orchestra was taken by the new and next Artistic Director named Stefan Geiger. During these 18 years, he brought the infinite vitality for the Orchestra, and also cultivates a group of outstanding young artists. Nowadays, the Orchestra has become one of the finest young and representative orchestras in the whole Federal Republic of Germany.


        Guided by Stefan Geiger, the orchestra did not only actively perform in every important Art Festival in the world every year, but also gain remarkable achievements in the non-classical field. In 2012, the orchestra is so popular all over the world for their game music writing and recording for the game Angry Birds, and awarded by German Game Music for Music Prize. The Orchestra also launched the different forms of performance and arrangement which are from symphony to modern film music and to game music. Recent years in the field of classical, the Orchestra played “Symphony No.1 Titan” by MAHLER, Wagner Opera “Ring without Word” revised by Lorin Maazel and “Rite of Spring” by Stravinsky, etc, and cooperated with large symphony orchestras, such as NDR Symphony Orchestra (Hamburg, Hanover), Bremen Philharmonic, etc.
        The Every-year world tour of the Orchestra has brought inspirations and fascinating for the audiences across the countries like The United States, the Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, South Africa, Brazil, and Bosnia, etc. The Orchestra often has performances and plays the role as a representative of the cultural ambassador and communicator on behalf of Germany. In the summer of 2014, the Orchestra will visit to Bulgaria on behalf of Germany. 
        Across the year of 2014-2015, the Orchestra will begin their first time tour to China with the invitation of the Chinese Host. 


        斯特凡 · 盖格 指挥

        斯特凡 · 盖格 Stefan Geiger 自幼在巴黎、科隆、不来梅学习长号和指挥,师从德国著名的长号演奏家 Branimir Slokar,以及著名指挥大师彼得 · 厄缶 Peter Eötvös,并在各种国际比赛中屡获佳绩。
        斯特凡 · 盖格在其学生时代就开始了他的职业艺术生涯,先是在巴伐利亚国家歌剧院交响乐团担任第一长号,其后不久就以长号独奏家的身份被聘请到北德广播(汉堡)交响乐团任首席长号。1996年,他完成了指挥专业学习后,即接任了不来梅国立交响乐团艺术总监一职。与此同时他还担任汉堡音乐与戏剧学院的长号及室内乐教授。
        他特别重视新的音乐表现形式。长年来都定期携乐团参与由北德广播(汉堡)电台开展的著名(DAS NEUE WERK)系列录音。并于2012年成功的创作和演出“愤怒的小鸟”而风靡全球。
        2004年,他作为客席指挥携北德广播交响乐团,成功的在德国最著名的音乐节“荷因斯坦音乐节”举办了多场音乐会,四场演出曲目包含贝多芬、策姆林斯基等作品。此次演出的成功也让盖格大受赞誉,包括大师克里斯多夫 · 艾森巴赫。


        Stefan Geiger

        Stefan Geiger received his trombone and conducting training in Paris, Cologne, Bremen. Among his teachers were Branimir Slokar (trombone) and Peter Eötvös (conducting). Moreover, he achieved outstanding successes in various international competitions. 
        Stefan Geiger began his career at a young age, first as a solo trombonist with the Bavarian State Opera in Munich, shortly after he became principal trombonist for the North German Radio Symphony Orchestra in Hamburg. In 1996 he became - after completing his studies, conductor - the artistic director of the State Youth Orchestra of Bremen. In the meanwhile, he also acts as professor of trombone and chamber music in Hamburg University of Music and Theater (Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg). 
        In 2004, he, as a guest conductor, brought North Germany Orchestra to held several concerts in the most successful music festival –“Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival”. The repertoire of the four performances includes the works of Beethoven and Zemlinsky. He is widely acclaimed for his performances, including Master Christoph Eschenbach.
        He pays much attention to new forms of music performance. Over the years, he bring the orchestra to attend the recording of famous series of(DAS NEUE WERK)held by the North German Radio. In 2012, he swept the world by creating and performing the" Angry bird" successfully.
        With his international reputation grown, Stefan Geiger’s performance schedule has nearly fully occupied. However, he is planning his debut in China with his great interests in Asian and China.



        (Braunschweiger Zeitung,2013年4月)

        「乐团上周五在Glocke音乐厅的演出远远比以往所听到的更震撼。这是一支不断进步的乐团带来的出色表演。乐团指挥 Stefan Geiger 生动而又完美的指挥,又一次让观众留下深刻印象。」
        (Weser Kurier,2013年4月)

        (Weser Kurier,2013年5月)



        The German national press describes the LJO Bremen as a “The vivid orchestra on an outstanding professional level"
        “The very experienced playing orchestra draws emotional outpourings, aspirations and despair with its glowing sound quality and timbre... The young musicians impressed with a festive and powerful brass, rhythmic precision and extra fine character drawing.” (Braunschweiger Zeitung, April 2013)
        “The LJO Bremen played their last Fridays concert in the Glocke concert hall even more magnificent and relieved than we knew it before. A brilliant performance by the constantly developing orchestra. LJO-conductor Maestro Stefan Geiger prepared his young ensemble in a very impressive way once again and lead it through the concert in a lively manner.” (Weser Kurier, April 2013)
        “One gets swept up in an overwhelming stream of sound from which it becomes more difficult to escape the longer the concert lasts.” (Weser Kurier, May 2013)
        “The long lasting and frenetic applause was accompanied by cheers and punctuating stamping of feet.” (Ostfriesen-Zeitung, August 2011)




勃拉姆斯             第一交响曲
格林卡               鲁斯兰与柳德米拉序曲
约翰·施特劳斯        闲聊波尔卡
约翰·施特劳斯        皇帝圆舞曲
约翰·施特劳斯        蓝色多瑙河
游戏配乐             愤怒的小鸟



        The projects and CDs of the LJO Bremen attracted attention throughout the whole of Germany. Among others, the following widely known orchestral works belong to the repertoire of the orchestra:


Johannes Brahms                 Symphony No.1
Mikhail Ivanovitch Glinka       Russlan and Ludmilla
Johann Strauss                  Tritsch-Tratsch, Polka schnell, op.214
Johann Strauss                  Kaiser Walzer,op.437
Johann Strauss                  The Blue Danube
Game Music                      The Angry Birds
Film Music
场馆介绍 / VENUS
演出场馆 北京保利剧院 北京保利剧院
热门演出 / HOT
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