天桥 • 阿卡贝拉音乐节 Naturally7北京演唱会 [售票中]
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天桥 ? 阿卡贝拉音乐节  Naturally7北京演唱会


Naturally 7是美国极具知名度的人声乐团,他们擅长“玩人声”(Vocal Play),结合节奏,R&B,人声乐器等风格,可以在一首曲子里融入架子鼓、长号、小号、贝斯、吉他、口琴、笛子等各种你想得到、想不到的音效,将和声与乐器模仿、人声打击等元素玩到了炉火纯青的境界。 “Naturally 7”1999年成立于纽约,他们的音乐集结R&B与强力重拍的人声打击,在欧美知名程度甚高,连迈可布雷(Michael Bublé)都邀请一起参与全球巡演,并合作《Silver Bells》圣诞专辑。另外包括Coldpaly,杰克森家族等都与其有过合作。他们至今出过十张专辑以及一张演唱会DVD,每张专辑均受全球乐迷追捧。除了与各明星合作,演出足迹也是遍及全球。他们的专场巡演遍及五大洲,每场演出都热力十足。作为业界极具地位的团体,获得有阿卡贝拉界格莱美奖之称的CARA奖更是不足为奇。


天桥 ? 阿卡贝拉音乐节  Naturally7北京演唱会




让我们共同认识一下Naturally 7


他们不仅仅是一个7人组成的演唱团队。其成员更研究出了一个耐人寻味的无伴奏合唱风格,他们称之为“玩声”- 犹如乐器般的演唱。在追求声乐的路上, Naturally 7不仅唱歌,还确保歌曲中每一种乐器都得到完美的展现。比如鼓,贝司,吉他,喇叭,长笛......甚至包括转盘。

“John Legend的歌曲‘All of Me’的成功,取决于他和钢琴,”Naturally 7代表者Roger Thomas说, “人们想听到的是歌曲真谛和其演唱者的声音。重点在于让人们听到它。当人们每天都吃快餐,在某个时候,他们会说,'我需要一些不同的东西。’ 而我们就是那些不同的东西。”

约800万人已经联署签名Thomas的想法。让这句话广为流传:在世界三次巡回演唱会上与Michael Bublé的现场表演在欧洲,英国,加拿大,澳大利亚,亚洲和美国引起轰动。Naturally 7惊人的简历还包括为天团酷玩乐队开场, Sarah Connor在德国排名第一的单曲“Music Is the Key”,2006年在澳大利亚排行前15名的专辑的Ready II Fly和超过2千万次在YouTube上的点击率。

他们还与通用磨坊公司在蜂蜜坚果麦片的两个广告中合作。于2014年十一月先用15秒顺口溜再现经典的 “Honey of an O”。第二个广告在NBC的今日秀上首播并包括了 Hidden In Plain Sight中的单曲 “Keep The Customer Satisfied”。

然而正如Thomas所承认的,“很多人仍然不知道我们在做什么。”所以现在的R&B,灵魂乐和流行乐团队正带其美国的专辑重新登场,恰当地命名为“Hidden in Plain Sight”(Hidden Beach Experiences,二月十号)。副标题Vox Maximus 专辑1,一个包括14首赏心悦目的歌单。

慢慢的超越R&B和流行乐,Naturally 7尝试各种曲风从传统的福音到以17世纪的巴洛克风格,这些表面上似乎并不是很融洽的各种流派。但在音乐总监/第一男中音/说唱歌手Thomas和他的六个同伴 - 兄弟Warren Thomas(鼓,三男高音),Rod Eldridge(第一男高音,转盘,小号),Napoleon “Polo” Cummings(第四男高音,吉他手),Dwight Stewart(第二男中音,长号),Garfield Buckley(第二男高音,口琴)和Armand “Hops” Hutton(低音)- 让一切不可能变为可能。

首当其冲的是单曲“Fix You”, 酷玩乐队的代表作已经成为了观众最喜爱的Naturally 7的现场表演。该团队的重新演绎给这首歌带来了新的力度,这首歌的副歌:“灯将引导你回家/点燃你的骨/我会尝试修复你的。”相关的音乐视频次在雅虎音乐上播出,被形容为“一个美丽迷人的版本...和原作可以相媲美”,并接到来自音乐爱好者的好评如潮。

该团队从Mahalia Jackson’s的福音经典“Trouble of the World”中寻找灵感和那美丽又赤裸的“Mahalia。”为了达到音乐的政变,Naturally 7借用了Queen的“Bohemian Rhapsody”和“Galileo”结合。Thomas说,“我们是世界第一许可采样摇滚乐队,我们很荣幸能够做到这一点。”

Naturally 7的音乐魅力来自于Thomas所说的“混杂”:以某知名歌曲的精髓,并把自己的旋律和歌词赋予其之上。Wham的感染之作“Everything She Wants”为“Life Goes On”提供了动力,而Art of Noise的“Moments In Love”使得模仿的所有歌曲的乐器并演唱了自己的歌曲的混杂而成的“Moments(I’ve Been Loved)”。其中八首原创音乐包括“Keep the Customer Satisfied” 和“Rhapsody of the Queen。”

Thomas把专辑Hidden In Plain Sight比作在厨房里尝试各种配料的厨师。“他使用人们品尝过的食物,但他决定把两种或三种东西混在一起。对于Hidden专辑来说,我们开始建设一个歌剧又古典的氛围,再把它包装进了一个现代城市的背景里。”

这是符合的Naturally 7的音乐影响,其范围从清唱前辈Take Six与Bobby McFerrin,到嘻哈Doug E. Fresh,胖男孩和流浪者合唱团的深度。在这写前辈之间是40年代 R&B四重奏Ink Spots, Carpenters, Earth, Wind & Fire, Bee Gees 和 Beatles。

“我们希望把团体模式带回来,”Thomas说。 “长久以来,再也没有出现过像O’Jays, Four Tops, Jodeci和 Boyz II Men的组合。我们要担起这个责任。”

Naturally 7在2007年成名,一炮而红:该团队在巴黎地铁列车上演唱Phil Collins的“In the Air Tonight”的视频在YouTube上引起轰动。经过Bublé邀请其作为国际巡演的合作伙伴, Naturally 7最近还参加了花花公子的爵士音乐节,在伦敦的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅表演,在BET Honors的Herbie Hancock进行表演,在瑞士蒙特勒Quincy Jones的75岁生日派对上演唱。

现在Naturally 7带着它们的最近专辑Hidden In Plain Sight和大家见面。 “大多数无伴奏合唱团只专注于清唱部分,” Thomas说。“这很好, 但我们尽力确保它们都是好歌。永远流行的歌。”


Dwight Stewart  is a singer/songwriter and a current member of the group "NATURALLY SEVEN." He has been a member since the beginning (1999). Since then they went on and recorded six studio albums and two live projects. In 2003 the group landed a number one on hit song "Music Is The Key" with German princess Sara Connor. That song also went on to be successful In other countries. In 2006 the group was blessed to chart again in several countries with a cover of Phil Collins "Feel It ( In The Air Tonight). They have went on to record with Quincy Jones, Ludacris, Michael Buble and many others.

In 2014, Naturally Seven landed a National commercial with "Honey Nut Cheerios."

Naturally Seven toured three world tours with the one and only Micheal Buble as his opening act. These tours have topped the box offices and landed #1 on the BillBoard charts. As a Brooklyn NewYork born native he also supports such organizations such as "LOVE OUR CHILDREN USA" and "STOMP OUT BULLYING."


Warren Thomas is the singer/vocal drummer/songwriter of the award-winning group Naturally 7. As a founding member of the group, he has toured extensively throughout the world (six continents) many times over.  Born in Manchester, UK, he took an interest in music at a very young age, learning to play the guitar by the age of 9.  Warren and his family relocated to New York City where he continued to grow musically by studying the rhythms and beats on the streets of the city.  While in school, he played the trumpet and sang in choirs. Warren is a dedicated husband and father of three daughters.  As a member of Naturally 7, he has performed on a plethora of TV shows, Radio shows and live shows, alongside top entertainers and politicians.  He has also performed for royalty around the world, including the British royal family. Warren has performed for millions of fans at various stadiums, arenas and theatres around the world.  He has lent his vocal talents to many corporations, including McDonalds, Wal-Mart, IBM and Apple.  Most recently, Warren starred in a couple of General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios commercials currently being aired throughout North America.  Warren performed on the soundtrack of the featured animated film ‘Animals United’ where his voice was also featured as the singing voice of the main character.  In addition, Warren has also composed songs for other recording artists.

Warren has toured the world with multi-platinum, Grammy award-winning, Canadian crooner Michael Bublé from 2007 to present, by providing vocal background and vocal rhythms. He is a member of the Recording Academy and the Screen Actors Guild. Warren has served as a celebrity judge and vocal advisor for various TV shows around the world.  He also donates his time and his musical talents to a wide-range of educational and social organizations, especially lending his talents to young people and serving as a mentor to them by sharing his knowledge of the music industry with them.


Kelvin Mitchell was born forth of six children in Queens, New York where his parents migrated to from Jamaica, West Indies. Because his mother directed the children’s choir and his father directed the adult Sanctuary Choir at their local church, Kelvin was surrounded by music and developed deep a love for it. As a result, music quickly became a huge part of his life.

Kelvin is the founding member and bass vocalist of his former Contemporary Gospel group 3AM where he developed his vocal styling, skills for arranging, and ear for A capella music. Although Kelvin is one of the newest members of Naturally 7, he feels right at home sharing his talent in front of large audiences. His past experiences include performing the National Anthem at both profession American Football and Major League Baseball sporting events. He’s also shared the stage with several International Recording Artist such as Take 6, Martha Munizzi, Faith Hill, Rick Braun, and Tamela Mann.

Kelvin is a former Music Education Major and is also a drummer and train French Horn instrumentalist. Some of his musical influences include Aaron Copeland, Doobie Powell, Wynton Marsalis, Take 6, The King’s Heralds, The Hi-Lo’s, Singers Unlimited and The Breath of Life Quartet.

Currently he resides in Tampa, Florida with his wife Crystal and their 2 daughters Jazmine and Juliana.


Lee R. Cort (PKA Ricky Cort)

Ricky Cort is a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. He has performed al over the U.S. With various artists such as Kirk Franklin, Patty LaBelle, and Pharell Williams. And has toured in Europe and Asia with Naturally 7. He has been featured on television performing on The Voice, The Grammys, and The Today Show. He has also performed in Movies like Universal Remote and High School Musical 2. Ricky currently tours as a member of Naturally 7.


Roger Thomas is the singer/songwriter/arranger/director for Naturally 7.  He has arranged and produced seven studio albums for the cutting edge a cappella band. Born in Manchester, England, he has spent the majority of his life living in New York City.

With Naturally 7 he has toured the world several times over (including three world tours with Michael Bublé) performing as many as 200 shows per year. His arrangement of the famed Honey Nut Cheerios cereal jingle was recently featured in Naturally 7's television commercial which aired internationally.  His musical arrangements have also been featured in media outlets such as the movie "Animals United" (released in 2010 in Germany), National Public Radio (NPR---USA), StarKing (South Korea), The Today Show (USA), The Ellen Show (USA), The View (USA), TED Talks, The Royal Variety Show (for the Royal Family of England), Wembley Stadium (UK), Madison Square Garden (New York City) and the Night of the Proms European Tour.  

Songs he has written and/or arranged and produced have topped charts in countries in Europe, Asia and Africa; and he has arranged music to honor jazz greats Quincy Jones and Herbie Hancock. Roger is the only artist (with Naturally 7) to be given permission to sample elements of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by legendary rock group, Queen (creating a new composition called "Galileo" featured on the latest album by Naturally 7, "Hidden in Plain Sight").  He currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) with his wife, Lynette and their children: Jordan, Quincy and Kennedy.  


Roderick Eldridge was born in New York. Before the band he worked as an IT Technician. He is the vocal DJ in the part of vocal play specialty. To him, the best thing is being able to travel around the world and touch people by making music. His music was influences by EW&F, Fugees, Michael Jackson, Commissioned, Take 6, the swingle singles, Smokey Robinson


Garfield Buckley was born in London, England. His family is from Jamaica. He has been travelling all his life. He was raised in England, moved to Jamaica for a few years and then decided to live the American dream. He used to work as a COMPUTER TECHNICIAN  in an architectural firm in New York. He is the 2nd Tenor the band, and specialty is the Harmonica. To him, the best thing being with N7 is that he get to travel the world –experiencing different cultures, food, architectural structures & singing for hundreds to thousands of people each night.

His music was influences by Hands down without a doubt, Donnie McClurkin and Marvin Winans.

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